Manual and Remedial Therapies

Acupuncture | Dry Needling | Moxa | Guasha | Cupping

We are passionate about acupuncture!

Acupuncture and dry needling usually involve inserting fine needles into specific points on the skin – acupuncture tends to work from a different diagnostic premise, and includes a range of other techniques such as moxa, guasha or cupping. Dry needling tends to be focused on local areas and trigger points. It’s important to remember that the techniques of acupuncture, moxa, cupping and guasha all require qualified and experienced hands to ensure optimal benefits with comfort.

Acupuncture and its application always has a strong diagnostic framework. As acupuncturists we rely on information elicited from a range of sources. We are looking, listening, asking and palpating to collect, identify and confirm a data set that enables diagnosis.
Palpation of the points, pulses, sometimes the abdomen (hara), neck and the joints is a normal part of a treatment session.

Based on all the information that we as practitioners gather and analyse, a diagnosis is then selected and a treatment strategy applied. This diagnosis and the treatment strategy can and will change over time. Healing and betterment is understood as the alignment of the body towards vitality.

“The way you think, the way you behave, the way you eat, can influence your life by 30 to 50 years.”
— Deepak Chopra

Ingestive & Herbal Therapies

Herbal Medicine | Nutritional Supplements | Dietary guidance

Food is the first medicine and Herbs are a close second!

A healthy outside starts from the inside.
— Robert Urich

Different herbs perform different functions, according to their nature and the conditions that they treat. Some herbs provide substances which help the body to repair or build healthy cells, while others act as a catalyst to stimulate body functions such as immunity, or digestion and elimination. Vitamin and mineral supplements are often recommended when required.

Herbal medicine can be given when the a useful co-treatment for patients with conditions, such as chronic pain, that have not been responding quickly enough to standard treatments. When pain and illness persists, there are frequently internal metabolic factors that are contributing to the condition. In any chronic condition, examining eating habits is always the first priority, as the good effects of treatments can quickly be undone by an inappropriate diet. Our experience is that a healthy digestive function is absolutely central to good health. 

Our philosophy is to always use the simplest method to achieve the best result.
We do not use endangered species of any kind.
Animal products are occasionally used, but most formulas are plant-based or can be made so.
We support ethically produced materials and source them where we can.

Classical Eastern Medicine Essences

Essential Oils | Flower & Stone Essences

The potent power of oils & essences brings joy to our heart!

Eastern medicine has a long tradition of using essential oils both as the sole application and treatment, as well as in combination with acupuncture.
Essential oils, flower and stone essences have classically been used in herbal formulas for ingestion, as well as in lotions, liniments and topical poultices. We make our own liniments and creams for a range of conditions if and as required to supplement manual and remedial treatments.
We use essential oils according to the Classical traditions and protocols and have found them to be a wonderful way of shifting long held patterns.

Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.
— W.P. Kinsella